Sunday, March 23, 2008

When given a day off with nothing to do, the average human being might write out a list of important things to do. Tasks accomplished in that precious free time that no one suffers too much of. When I have a day off with no plans, I watch movies. And Saturday I watched four movies. Now now, I had previously started three of them (short attention span), but I finished all of them. These four films all were all included in one of the two AFI lists that I have blogged about previously. So my quest to catch up to Lucas continues with, Dr. Zhivago, All The President's Men, Duck Soup, and lastly The Searcher's. Fear not Lucas I am still like thirty behind you, but heed this warning, I am only nine days off (in which Amber also works) away from catching and passing you to the finish of the Great AFI Watch of '07-'08.

Speaking of the films Dr. Zhivago was a snooze, All The President's Men was excellent, Duck Soup was better than I thought it would be, and the Searcher's, I grew up on John Wayne so I always enjoy his movies.


Burtopia said...

So was it Duck Soup or Night at the Opera?

Amber Strahl said...

Heed your warning... very threatening... quite a turn-on.

Eric Strahl said...

Dude, It was Night at the Opera. And I said the wrong film three times and put the wrong picture up. I must be suffering a film watcher's hangover.

Burtopia said...

I enjoyed Night at the Opera, but i didn't love it. I think it had the same effect on me as Modern times, which is a lot of the same. They could be shorter, or have more story. I don't know. Perhaps I'm just being picky.

Anonymous said...

Your blog bores me. And cut your hair.