Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do Not Fret Al Gore!
I read a story on about how scientists are not finding an increase in ocean temperature even though air temperature is rising and the ocean levels are expanding. The water temperatures are actually slightly decreased.

I do believe in our power to control global warming, and that global warming is a very real and serious threat. This story is however, an interesting example of how much we have yet to discover about this planet of ours.


Burtopia said...

I was going to blog on this yesterday, but I actually had stuff to do. Nice find.

Burtopia said...

I was also going to reference Al Gore. Mainly because he's a douche bag. But at least he's a douche bag with a good heart.

Eric Strahl said...

Did you have to look up the spelling of douche bag or is this just part of your cannon?

Burtopia said...

I totally have that spelling down.
And I'm a bad speller, so you know how much I love it.

Amber Strahl said...

Personally I don't think it's "our planet", if anything the planet owns us. Who's green now, biotch?

Burtopia said...

what are you doing reading npr anyways?