Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Part Three: Medford Vs. New York

One of the more interesting things about moving to a place like NY is talking to people you know about the idea of leaving a small town like Medford. At my place of work everyone is slowly finding out about my approching departure, and I really have come to enjoy all of the advice from people who have never even visited. Of course the number one note from everyone is, be careful a lot of people get mugged/robbed/raped/beat up/ killed/ or even worse become Yankees fans.
My good friend Lucas and I had an interesting discussion about the number of crimes per capita and were laughing when we thought out loud that if three people were murdered in NY out of the tens of millions who live there that we like our chances better than if one were to be killed in Medford. I know it is not the safest place on Earth, but the look on my mother's face when we mentioned the close proxemity to a park of an apartment we were looking at, she seemed horrified at the idea. The most interesting aspect of NY that came to me during our visit is that millions and millions of people live there and there are just like me. There are not charming and polite or outgoing and nice, but they have a purpose to their day and they are trying to move from A to B, just like me. Which is actually a reassuring thought, we are all in it together.


Burtopia said...

NYC is a very interesting city. It's hard to imagine living here when you visit, but after a month you almost forget why you were nervous. I do miss some aspects of a small town, but this is an experience that I can never replace. As for the evil empire...It's hard not to go to the dark side. I've tried very hard to be a Mets fan, but the Yankees keep pulling me in. To make matters worse, Joe Torre just told me he was my father!

Eric Strahl said...

At least the advice is coming after we've been there. Whenever I would tell anyone our plans to move there pre-New York trip, it went something like: "Wait, so you've never been there? Yup. Well, uh, hmm, well, your in for quite a culture shock, I mean, ya, it's very different from here, um, ya." Good thing they warned me.