Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Prefontaine

Here's my official scorecard from the big race. Finished a bit over my goal, but I ran guts out. Just like Steve would have wanted me to.

Name- Strahl, Eric
#- 116
Age- 27
Sex- M
Town- Gresham
State- OR
Overall Place- 628
Division Place- 36
Time- 57:32
Split- 9:16

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good StartThe Denver Bronco's go 2-0 with back to back AFC West rival wins. Let's keep it up boys.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Did My TV Get Smaller
On Sportscenter today I was squinting to see my already small television divided into two distinct sections of programming. With live anaylisis on one quarter of the screen and the rest offering game stats of completed games, I actually looked at my remote to see if there was a button that would make this distraction stop. I could not find it so I got closer to the TV and now I don't have any nose hair. So I was not surprised during tonight's MTV Video Music Awards that during commercials they were going to the corner screen for the commercial, and advertising with what screen I had left, what was coming up... on the show I was watching. Nothing like being told what is about to happen in five minutes to take the fun out of such a lively and never predictable spectacle like the VMA's. Getting to my point, Kobe Bryant delivered the MoonMan for best video, and they preemptively described him in a way that struck me as a bit odd. So I'll offer it to you and get your opinion. Coming up in five minutes... Bad boy Kobe Bryant presents video of the year.
Can anybody tell me absolutely any reason in the history of this world by any chance, WHY, Kobe would be labeled a bad boy? As he limps through games flopping and getting cheap calls and pretending to be injured on one play so that it looks that much cooler when he dunks on the next. Bad boy? Hogwash, except... He was accused of raping a young woman in a Colorado resort. I found it rather sad, and pathetic that to make Kobe Bryant "cool" they had to play on his badassness which only stems from one incident, which probably shouldn't be used out of context or joked about.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I will admit that I watched the new version of 90210. I will say that for the most part it was contrite and over written. I will admit however that anytime a character from the original show was on screen I was absolutely glued to my television. I guess it took this revamp to remind me that the original really did play a big part in my experience as a child growing up. That being said, the new show is not good enough to mean that much to a new generation of brats.