Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Best Years of Our Lives
I'm down to the last handful of AFI films and I have to say that The Best Years of Our Lives was a film I was saving out of a lack of interest. That was until I began watching it and found another favorite film. This movie was made in a time when films were censored from the kind of "vulgar honesty" we've become accustomed to, yet it packed the punch of modern film making, with its well told stories and well timed action. I strongly recommend this film to anyone who misses a time in film when cleverly hidden metaphor packed more wallop than a naked prostitute shooting someone in the head while snorting a line of cocaine off the barrel of her smokin' Beretta.
Iron Man
Iron Man was the perfect primer for the summer movie season. A smart, well acted, action bonanza that leapt off the screen. Unfortunately I saw it after Batman and while thoroughly enjoying it, felt as though it paled in comparison to its larger more intense counterpart.
The Dark Knight
The most fully realized comic book movie incarnation I have ever witnessed, and as dense a film as I have seen in quite a while.

Friday, July 04, 2008