Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rosco Takes on the Capital

Amber passed her test to become licensed in the state of Oregon,

and Rosco shook hands and kissed babies.
First Golf of the Season!

I have been unemployed for about twenty four hours, which means that I was long overdue to begin the golf season. Amber and I went to StewartMeadows this afternoon and got farmers tans. Amber got a new driver during the offseason and now she is smokin' drives a buck-fifty. I have only been to the range twice this season so my game is rusty, but I played ok for the first time of the year and we had lots of fun.
White Stripes Fans

Check out this new Coke commercial that Jack White participated in. Coke has no intention of playing the commercial in the US at this time and it is schedualed to play in the middle of the night once in the UK.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Last day at Work

Yesterday was my last day under the confines of the coperate structure... sort of. I left my full time job and have two shifts left at my part time job. I would like to say that even when selling my soul to the coperate devil I worked with some great people who made every day almost barable. Thank you to all who helped the days pass by befriending me on my nearly ended journey in retail. NewYork here I come.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One More Week!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the movie list, coming soon, top ten albums, I am working mine out you should begin as well.
Pearl Jam by Pearl Jam, I hate it when they say self titled, hits the shelves in one week. I have pre-ordered mine from which gets me a digital download of the album at 12:01 am Tuesday morning and a live disc from a 1992 show they played on NewYear's Eve in NYC. They have been doing a little more press for this new album (impressing the new label is my guess) and the music sounds great. If you click the link they have a live performance of "life wasted" They will also be on Letterman on Thursday the fourth of May.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I am so sorry

Apparently I have angered the gods and upset the balance in the time space continuum by not picking five single films to be stranded in a theatre on a desert island. I do however have to point out that even with the gross misconduct I have committed one Mr. stated that Antonio Bandares was in the Hunted with Tommy Lee Jones when any ex-Blockbuster employee would know, even if they were fired, that Benicio Del Toro was on the run in that terrible movie whose only redeeming quality was that it was filmed in Portland. So without any further delay, and I have increased the list to ten, here are my favorite films to watch over and over as I sit waiting to be rescued ( I am not proactive enough to look for a way off) In no particular order.....

1- Lord of the Rings Trilogy- Extended Cut- (I am still counting as one film because master Lucas said it was OK)
2- Psycho- My favorite Hitchcock masterpiece that should not have been as good as it is, but it is. Stunningly well executed.
3- Taxi Driver- Every Scorsese movie feels like my favorite, I connect to his films and believe he is one of the most technically gifted directors of all time.
4- Rushmore- I wanted to be a director before I saw this movie, I knew why I wanted to direct after watching it.
5- Magnolia- Like Rushmore, I saw this movie at a pivotal time in my youth and it blew me away with what it managed to say.
6- Out of Sight- Soderbergh at his best, launched two movie actors into movie stardom, I love this movie.
7- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- The most true and heartfelt romance movie I have ever seen. Technically brilliant.
8- Citizen Kane- The first time I saw it-OVERRATED- by the fourth I knew three times ago it is the best ever.
9- 2001: A Space Odyssey- Even when watching it the first time seemed a chore the imagery created be Kubrick is as breathtaking today as I am sure it was forty years ago.
10- Fight Club- I have always distanced myself from this film due to its cult following, but its power and truth are undeniable, this film will always resonate with my generation and hopefully keeping teaching us lessons.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Show me your comments

As a blogger I love reading what the people think about my thoughts so I am setting up a couple of blogs for you to react to...

If I were stranded on an island equipped with a theatre and I could only bring 5 DVD's these are my choices-

1- Lord of the Rings Trilogy-Extended cut (all three movies count as one)-you will soon realize I am a huge cheater-
2-The Alfred Hitchcock Masterpiece Collection-14 Universal classics including but not limited to Psycho, vertigo and The Birds.
3-The Stanley Kubrick box set- 9 of the great movies ever made and at 3+ hours 2001 would sure help those lonely days go by.
4-The Martin Scorsese Collection- This particular set doesn't include Ragging Bull, but Goodfellas and a personal favorite, Who's that Knocking on My Door make this the collection to pick between his two offerings.
5-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- One of the truly original movies of our time and endlessly watchable.
6-Rushmore-I wanted to cheat and make up a Wes Anderson box set, but it doesn't yet exist. Rushmore is my fav of his brilliant cannon.

If by five you thought I ment five then you don't know that I am a sentimental pack rat.
Part Three: Medford Vs. New York

One of the more interesting things about moving to a place like NY is talking to people you know about the idea of leaving a small town like Medford. At my place of work everyone is slowly finding out about my approching departure, and I really have come to enjoy all of the advice from people who have never even visited. Of course the number one note from everyone is, be careful a lot of people get mugged/robbed/raped/beat up/ killed/ or even worse become Yankees fans.
My good friend Lucas and I had an interesting discussion about the number of crimes per capita and were laughing when we thought out loud that if three people were murdered in NY out of the tens of millions who live there that we like our chances better than if one were to be killed in Medford. I know it is not the safest place on Earth, but the look on my mother's face when we mentioned the close proxemity to a park of an apartment we were looking at, she seemed horrified at the idea. The most interesting aspect of NY that came to me during our visit is that millions and millions of people live there and there are just like me. There are not charming and polite or outgoing and nice, but they have a purpose to their day and they are trying to move from A to B, just like me. Which is actually a reassuring thought, we are all in it together.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Part Two: School

The New York Film Acadamy building was a little different than I had expected it to be. First it is in a great old building that was never intended to be a school, and yet NYFA seems to intergrate itself into the space quite nicely. It is a little hectic on the first and second levels, where people move frantically and the space feels more like a busy newspaper room than a school with messy computer lined walls and people talking on the phone and to each other, the whole thing has a certain ant farm quality to it that once used to may seem like business as usual, but is a little intimidating at first for sure. I guess the point of this blog is to fully realize the relief/satisfaction/fear/hope that this building brings to my life. I am fully aware of the potential of this situation, and have been for a while, I am just hopfull I can capitolize on my education there and create a prosperous life doing something I love.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Part One: Travel

First off plane rides. I have now flown a whopping 4 times. I am not for sure but, I think it is getting more boring. I am probably cranky because I flew home without without my favorite conversationalist Amber to keep me busy over 8 hours in and out of airports. Second- Subways...What a great system of moving millions of people around an island. Too bad entering a station without any knowledge can bring an almost grown man to cry like a baby. BUT, I got the general idea of it soon and can not wait to soon give tourists directions so they don't get lost down there. One more quick note, there are stations that are three stories deep! Can you believe you go down three flights of stairs to a train. Lastly, when in NY... Stretch your calves because you are going to walk my friends. I got a terrible cramp in my right leg the second day and I didn't feel better until sitting 8 hours in the planes on the way home, BUT, The city is beautiful in all its glory and walking is never boring for a moment. Here we are in the alley that the Today Show is filmed every morning.
Preceding NY updates
I will be updating in the next couple of days about my recent trip to NYC. Tonight however I am going to sleep. Today I arose at 9am (6am PST) and just got home at 2:30am the next day after driving home from P-Town. I work tomarrow from 8-4:30 and then 5-9 so keep me in your thoughts that I won't collapse at some point. ES

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bleeding thumbs Unite

Donnie and I just played MarioStriker for GCube for about two hours and I am not sure I will be able to use my left thumb tomorrow. These Mario games are a load of fun and, for my money, way more entertaining than most other games I've played.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Graduation Day!!!!

To my favorite person in the world...
Congratulations on a years worth of hard work, and here's to a lifetime of success...
Love Eric
Beware of the Mountain
Internet Movie Data Base reported yesterday that the AFA, American Family Association, was petitioning Wal-Mart to remove DVD copies of Brokeback Mountain from the shelves because, and I quote, it pushes the "gay agenda". If people buy this movie from Wal-Mart and are surprised by the content, maybe they should research what they're spending their fifteen dollars on. I once worked for a video store and I cannot tell you the numerous times people would rent movies and the content would shock them, for any number of reasons, and the box would tell everything about the movie they needed to know. I should research how many movies, stores like this, have carried violent movies that were marketed at a teen or pre-teen demographic and wonder if anyone will ever care about the digestion of gratuitous violence of our youth.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sunnier days are here
Today I gave notice to my employer that I was leaving for NY in three weeks and would no longer be working there. It went well, and I am feeling a great sense of relief at the prospect of being out of retail. One more job to notify and I will be stringless, a real boy, just what I always wanted. Here's me shakin' it in celebration...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Next Time: Sunnier days ahead...
Amber and I had a garage sale this weekend and now our house is empty. It is kind of strange to sell all of the junk you've collected over the years for a dollar here and there. It is an interesting way to think about consumerism and how we think we need stuff or buy things because they are a good deal when it just ends up taking up space we don't have. Then we sit on a porch hoping to get a dollar out of it before it gets haulled off to Goodwill.